
Our signnature toast is handcrafted with a specialty hot water dough method which brings out the natural sweetness of the flour. It also gives the toast an irresistible fluffy texture. We have a wide variety of toasts including healthy multi grain and black sesame toast.

湯種法を使用して小麦本来の甘さを引き出し、しっとりふわふわに焼き上げた食パン。 シリアルを混ぜた茶色いマルチシリアルトースト。 黒ゴマ香るセサミトースト 種類も豊富です!


Japanese bread is known for its soft and fluffy characteristics.We make over 40 types of bread and specialize in both sweet and savoury varieties. Our bestsellers include Redbean,Cream,Melon,Croquette and Curry buns.



Made using only the finest French AOC butter, our croissants are crisp, buttery and awesomely flaky to savour!



Freshly made each morning, we use homemade and the finest selection of ingredients for our sandwiches. Try our Tuna & Egg or Fruits Sandwich which is very popular in Japan.

具材にこだわり、毎朝調理場で作るフレッシュなサンドイッチ。 定番のツナ、たまご、日本で人気のフルーツサンドも!

Temperature Cake

With simplicity at its best, Hachi's room temperature cakes are a delight as they're made with our specialty dough which is fluffy, crispy and wonderfully delicious!

しっとり、さくさく、ほろほろの生地が特徴的。 八の焼き菓子はシンプルに味わい深く。

Fruits Jam

Made with 100% natural fruits with no added preservatives. Our jams are made with a traditional recipe and delicately slow cooked for at least 3 hours until perfection. We also take pride that our jams are a healthier option due to a lower sugar content.

フルーツ本来の味を活かし、余計なものは入れず、じっくりことこと3時間かけて煮詰めます。 砂糖は控えめ。



Kick start a wonderful day with the scent of freshly baked bread and gourmet coffee brewing. Hach's breakfast menu includes our signature toast, croissants and English muffins. Breakfast sets are lovingly served from 8am to 11am daily.

朝のパンの焼きたての香りは、眠い体を起こし人を優しい気分にさせる。 八の朝食は自慢のトースト、クロワッサンやイングリッシュマフィンを使用したメニューとなっております。 8:00~11:00の間ドリンクがセットでつきお得です。 焼きたてのパンや淹れたてのコーヒーの香りを感じながら、素晴らしい一日を八でスタートしませんか?


Looking for something different and for a healthy-lunch packed with the goodness of homemade ingredients? Our homemade burgers and pizza are made with our specialty hot water dough method which gives them that extra special bite and makes our pizaa dough truly Mochi-Mochi! Our patties and sauces are handcrafted freshly too!

バンズ、ソース、パテ、全てが手作りのハンバーガー。 湯種法を活用したもちもちのピザ生地。 ハンバーガー、ピザは定番だけれど、八は少し違う。 他のお店とは一風変わったハンバーガー、ピザをぜひお試しください。